Using Frequency Plots and Bar Charts

import transportation_tutorials as tt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import warnings


  1. Which county has the highest number of structurally deficient bridges? Use a frequency plot to find your answer.
  2. Which county has the lowest percentage of bridges that are in good condition? Use a bar chart to find your answer.


To answer the questions, use the following data files:

bridge = pd.read_csv('FL-BRIDGES'))
County Total # Good # Fair # Poor # SD # Total Area Good Area Fair Area Poor Area SD Area
0 ALACHUA (001) 111 64 47 - - 64767 55794 8973 NaN NaN
1 BAKER (003) 89 30 52 7 8 32162 19369 12282 510.0 623.0
2 BAY (005) 122 49 63 10 11 210039 98834 109628 1577.0 10120.0
3 BRADFORD (007) 62 23 37 2 2 9330 5492 3217 620.0 620.0
4 BREVARD (009) 241 160 81 - - 364138 204179 159959 NaN NaN
Index(['County', 'Total #', 'Good #', 'Fair #', 'Poor #', 'SD #', 'Total Area',
       'Good Area', 'Fair Area', 'Poor Area', 'SD Area'],


There are few columns in the bridge dataset that contain non-numeric entries (- or NaN), which is not compatible for plotting. We need to replace non-numeric entries with zeros and specify the appropriate data types for those columns.

bridge['Poor #'] = bridge['Poor #'].replace('-', 0).astype('int64')
bridge['SD #'] = bridge['SD #'].replace('-', 0).astype('int64')

bridge['Poor Area'] = bridge['Poor #'].replace(np.nan, 0).astype('int64')
bridge['SD Area'] = bridge['Poor #'].replace(np.nan, 0).astype('int64')
County Total # Good # Fair # Poor # SD # Total Area Good Area Fair Area Poor Area SD Area
0 ALACHUA (001) 111 64 47 0 0 64767 55794 8973 0 0
1 BAKER (003) 89 30 52 7 8 32162 19369 12282 7 7
2 BAY (005) 122 49 63 10 11 210039 98834 109628 10 10
3 BRADFORD (007) 62 23 37 2 2 9330 5492 3217 2 2
4 BREVARD (009) 241 160 81 0 0 364138 204179 159959 0 0
County Total # Good # Fair # Poor # SD # Total Area Good Area Fair Area Poor Area SD Area
63 VOLUSIA (127) 227 144 76 7 7 326665 164435 147618 7 7
64 WAKULLA (129) 50 21 23 6 6 17783 10011 7649 6 6
65 WALTON (131) 219 125 86 8 9 104108 69478 34056 8 8
66 WASHINGTON (133) 96 57 34 5 6 72116 46988 23224 5 5
67 TOTALS 12313 8534 3545 233 256 16759416 11232342 5149876 233 233

If we look at the last few rows of the dataset, we will see an additional row containing the summation of all numeric columns. We do not want to include this row in the bar plot. So, we will simply exclude the row and get a new dataframe. Then, we use .plot() method with kind = 'bar' argument.

bridge_count = bridge[:-1]
bridge_count.plot( x = 'County', y = 'SD #', kind = 'bar', figsize = (25,3), color = 'coral');

We have created a frequency plot, but it can be sorted according to frequencies of structurally deficient bridges in each county. For question 1, we want to find the tallest bar. So, we sort the bars in descending order using the following command.

bridge_count.sort_values(by = 'SD #', ascending = False).plot( x = 'County', y = 'SD #', kind = 'bar', figsize = (25,3), color = 'coral');

From the frequency plot that we have just created, we can see that Duval County has the highest number of structurally deficient bridges. We can also check the answer numerically: ``

bridge_count[bridge_count['SD #'] == bridge_count['SD #'].max()]['County'].values[0]
'DUVAL (031)'

For Question 2, we need to calculate the percentage of bridges that are in good condition. We will also exclude the last row indicating the total of all numeric columns.

bridge_percentage = bridge[:-1]
bridge_percentage['Good %'] = bridge_percentage['Good #'] * 100 / bridge_percentage['Total #']

Then, we create a bar chart with ascending order of Good % values to get our answer to the second question. We will see from the bar plot that Franklin County has the lowest percentage of bridges that are reported to be in good condition.

bridge_percentage.sort_values(by = 'Good %', ascending = True).plot(x = 'County', y = 'Good %', kind = 'bar', figsize = (25,3), color = 'coral');

If we want to check your answer numerically, we will simply run the following command:

bridge_percentage[bridge_percentage['Good %'] == bridge_percentage['Good %'].min()]['County'].values[0]
'FRANKLIN (037)'