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In-Person Workshops
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FSUTMS Comprehensive Modeling Workshop
provides an overview of the transportation planning process, travel demand forecasting methodologies, and FSUTMS modules and data requirements. Participants learn to install and execute FSUTMS powered by Cube, use the menu systems, interpret and create standard output results, and create and edit networks through a series of hands-on computer exercises. Previous modeling experience is not required for this four-day workshop. (
see workshop agenda
FSUTMS Executive Summary Modeling Seminar
provides an overview of the transportation planning process, travel demand forecasting methodologies, and FSUTMS modules under Cube. Participants learn the underlying theories of modeling and see the benefits of Cube's abilities to produce presentation graphics for reports and meetings. This single-day workshop is designed for managers and other non-modelers who review model outputs. (
see workshop agenda
Incorporating Emerging Technologies into Models Seminar
provides an understanding of various factors related to “disruptive technologies” that are transforming how people and goods travel and need to be considered in planning. These include connected/autonomous vehicles, transportation network companies, shared micro-mobility, working from home (including hybrid approaches), and e-commerce. Participants will learn how these issues can be considered in FSUTMS travel models and provide an understanding of the assumptions made about disruptive technologies when modeling them and the impacts of these assumptions.
Model Validation and Calibration Workshop
is a one-day in-person course that covers the process of validating travel demand models. This motivation behind the validation process is to ensure that models reasonably reflect travel behavior under existing and potential future conditions. All components of the process, including validation data, procedure for validating all components of models, temporal validation and sensitivity testing, and documentation will be presented. Working examples of model validation will be included.
Modeling for Planners Workshop
is a one-day in-person course targeting the use of data and travel demand model outputs for urban planners. These workshops will focus on the results of the modeling process, explain how modeling outputs can be used for urban planning, and provide awareness of data availability in the model that can be used outside the modeling platform. Limitations of the modeling process and common post-processing applications will also be discussed to give a complete picture of the planning utility of models.(
see workshop agenda
Introduction to Python and Discrete Choice Modeling Workshop
is a three-day in-person high-level introduction to Python suitable for novice users, focused on relatively simple data analysis and visualization using the outputs from existing travel demand forecasting tools. The course will also cover interpreting common Python error messages and diagnosing the sources of errors when using existing Python-based programs. Following the introduction to Python, the course will introduce discrete choice modeling using a Python-based model estimation program.
FSUTMS/Voyager Scripting Workshop
is designed for the FSUTMS/Tranplan modeler who requires an overview on interpreting and creating Cube scripts under the Florida standards. The first part of the three-day workshop covers procedures unique to FSUTMS/Cube-Voyager. The second part of the workshop covers Cube scripting language elements, resources, and data manipulation. Detailed descriptions of the standard FSUTMS menu interface scripts are discussed. Participants are recommended to have attended the FSUTMS Comprehensive Modeling Workshop or have extensive modeling experience. (
see workshop agenda
FSUTMS DTA - Cube Avenue Workshop
is is a two day course teaching how to use Cube Avenue to dynamically simulate traffic flow in a corridor or region. Cube Avenue is a dynamic traffic assignment extension for Cube Voyager. It models traffic at greater levels of detail than macroscopic models, like Cube Voyager’s Highway program, and at lesser levels of detail than microscopic models, like Cube Dynasim. Participants are recommended to have attended the FSUTMS Comprehensive Modeling Workshop or have extensive modeling experience. (
see workshop description
FSUTMS Transit Modeling Workshop
is a three-day training course designed as a beginning- to intermediate-level workshop for professionals with highway modeling experience but little experience in transit. The course discusses transit modeling within FSUTMS-Cube, including transit network coding, micro-coding fixed guideway stations, creating transit input files, transit access and path-building, Public Transport (PT) module scripting, mode choice, transit assignment, interpreting and displaying transit ridership results, and calculating user benefits. (
see workshop agenda
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Evaluation Tools Modeling Workshop
is a three-day training course designed for Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model Structure (FSUTMS/Cube Voyager) modelers who want hands-on training with FDOT’s ITS planning evaluation procedures and software (FITSEVAL). Participants will gain an understanding of the procedures used to evaluate the investment (benefits and costs) of ITS alternatives and assess their performance relative to each other and to other types of transportation system improvements. Once completed, participants will be able to implement FITSEVAL using their calibrated FSUTMS/Cube Voyager models, evaluate roadway and transit ITS alternatives (e.g., ramp metering, managed lanes, transit vehicle signal priority, etc.), and provide FDOT and metropolitan planning organization leaders evaluations of less costly alternatives to major capital improvements.
FHWA Mining for Data Workshop
provides a one-and-a-half-day hands-on training using data from the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) program, the American Community Survey (ACS), and the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS). Course topics include analyzing, toubleshooting, and presenting CTPP data; working with statistical margins of error; and downloading information from the online tools American Fact Finder, CTPP Access Tool, and NHTS Online.(
detailed description
Cube GIS Workshop
teaches the integrated ArcGIS graphical interface of Cube, which combines the usefulness of Cube/Viper's transportation model display tools with the world standard in GIS software, ArcGIS. It is recommended that the FSUTMS Comprehensive Modeling Workshop serve as a prerequisite to this workshop.
Activity Based Model Introduction Seminar
provides an introduction to the activity-based approach to travel-demand modeling and forecasting to modelers and practitioners in the state of Florida. The workshops will be co-taught by University Faculty and Consultants and will cover fundamental concepts, methodology, data, and implementation details and experiences. The sessions are intended to be interactive and will include ample time for discussions.
The first session (1.5 hours) of the workshop on the first day will be an “executive summary” and serve as a quick synopsis of the overall workshop. This component is primarily targeted at the managers and decision makers who are interested in the big-picture view of ABMs. Hands-on experience with the use of the travel- demand models is not a pre-requisite for this first session.
DRI Traffic Impact Modeling Workshop
provides an understanding about what DRIs are and why traffic impact analyses are conducted. Alternate methodologies associated with performing traffic impact analyses will be discussed, as well as sources for assumptions. The course will provide detailed step-by-step and interactive exercises on model applications typical of DRIs, inclduing refinement of the traffic analysis zone structure, transportaiton network and socioeconomic data. The course will require students to complete tasks related to both Subarea Refinement and DRI studies and will focus on the model refinement and re-validation efforts.
Case for Project Workshop
will be based upon an analysis, review and discussion of actual “Case for the Project” PowerPoint presentations and written documents, which will consume the first half-day of the course. Instruction on developing all the data and information necessary to support development of the case will be part of the first day, along with descriptions of how to perform uncertainty analysis and guidance in developing a problem statement for the project. The second day will provide class participants with data from an actual case study and allow them to develop a sample PowerPoint presentation to be presented on that second day. Participants will work together in teams, an approach that allows for learning by doing.
Multi-Resolution Modeling.
This course will provide an overview of multi-resolution modeling, applications, and recommended practice of the process. Instructions will be included for implementing advanced practice modeling within districts. It will also cover the multi-level simulation analysis, dynamic traffic assignment, and the necessary data to support the multi-resolution analysis. Supporting FDOT planning staff will be introduced to assist those with further questions and needs. This class will be delivered in lecture format without hands-on computer exercises, making it ideal for managers and other non-modelers. .
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